We live in a society of instant expectations and everything having to happen ‘now’ – even when using our technology, if it's too slow we have a major meltdown! Instead of stepping back, enjoying the moment to its full effect, praying and rejoicing in what else can be born out of it through God.
While waiting for a live stream to show on my phone, I flicked thru and found a link to a prisoner sharing his faith while being incarcerated. What grabbed me about this particular one, was that he said ‘God showed me, in that moment’ - https://www.facebook.com/GodBehindBars/videos/804116384416546
The powerful effect of God, touching a heart, ‘IN A MOMENT’. That God holds the whole universe in his hand and He ‘took a precious moment’ to show this man how much He loved and cared for him…. ‘IN A MOMENT’
God did that back for me years ago and it awed me with a new profound sovereignty for who He is and desires to be in my life—choosing to wrap himself with me in a relationship that is so personal and amazing.
Early in the New Year, some months on, I was experiencing some difficult circumstances and had the desperate sensation of just wanting to run away – any way possible. I happened to be speaking with our mission’s director. I jokingly said to him, “do you have anywhere I can run away too?” He came back to me and said there is a woman at church who would like to take a team to Sri Lanka to minister to groups of women and would I be interested. Straight away, I said, “no, thank you, I was not asking for that type of running away to.” Over the next few months, several situations arose (and it would take another whole book to recount – but I shall share just one below) but God was orchestrating for me to make a choice – would I go and do what I had been praying for over my passport or not? It was a hard choice to make as the enemy tried so viciously to interfere, but as I chose to be obedient and went, God was always a step ahead, and walking in that revelation is a whole new level again. Awesome actually!
A few weeks before travelling to Sri Lanka, in August 2008, on a mission trip, our team of three had the intercessors at our church pray for us before going. In that session, a passage of scripture (Ephesians 6) was read over us, and one particular
verse so stood out to me;
Verse 13 ‘…having done all, to stand.’
In an instant it was read out, God took me back to when I was ten years old, where that same verse was written out and given to me by a church leader (Ann Thomas) when I gave my life to Christ at kid’s camp. While intercessors were still praying, the Lord said to me that He had that written back then for me now and as well he showed me a picture (in my mind) of where that original scripture was written down, at home (I had not remembered where I had stored book, but God did). I cannot explain in a few words the impact that had on me – to know that God saw me standing in front of hundreds of Women preaching in the present back when I was only ten years old.
Quote from ‘Door of Hope’ by Kim Stanfield
The revelation of God stopping all that is happening around you, plays a video in your head of past pictures in your life, shares & speaks things on many different levels, and then you are back in the present to be speechless from the majesty of it all - its stunning and spectacular all rolled up in one and it was all ‘IN A MOMENT’ of Gods goodness.
We see similar times in the bible where God chose ‘IN A MOMENT’ to bring about the supernatural for others too…
‘…Philip baptized him.39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away. The eunuch never saw him again but went on his way rejoicing.’ – Acts 8:38-40 NLT
Can you imagine coming up out of the water and Philip standing right next to you disappears, but this does not surprise or scare you, you continue on praising God! Much like the song & lyrics below - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xwzItqYmII
‘…The voice said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.” 2 And instantly I was in the Spirit,[a] and I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it.’ – Rev 4:1-2 NLT
John’s experience here now becomes more real due to my own encounter with God and His revelation to me personally. How powerful that God wants these same types of encounters for all of us, to know and understand Him better and the life He desires for us.
We can be encouraged that even in our everyday circumstances, God wants to meet with us supernaturally, if we will let him. I am currently partnering with someone new in prayer and every day we touch base with each other, it's like God has downloaded our personal mail to one another because of what God puts on our hearts to share. He knows already and we are just being the conduits He is using to bless others.
I am excited for what God has in store and so looking forward to more ‘MOMENTS’ being created by my Heavenly Father – that I may see His Glory and testify to His Majesty – AMEN!
I Can Only Imagine
I can only imagine What it will be like When I walk by Your side I can only imagine What my eyes would see When Your face is before me I can only imagine Yeah
Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel? Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still? Will I stand in Your presence Or to my knees, will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah? Will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine I can only imagine
I can only imagine When that day comes And I find myself Standing in the Son I can only imagine When all I will do Is forever, forever worship You I can only imagine, yeah I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus Or in awe of You be still? Will I stand in your presence Or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah? Will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine, yeah I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus Or in awe of You be still? Will I stand in your presence Or to my knees, will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah? Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeah I can only imagine I can only imagine, yeah-yeah I can only imagine I can only imagine I can only imagine
I can only imagine When all I will do Is forever, forever worship You I can only imagine