time out / captive confinement / detention duress / solitary sentence
Whatever you wish to put to the situation, yesterday our state was called to COVID restrictions once again due to someone sharing what should not have been shared.
After a few months of preparations, this week saw my first round of sessions for programs I run in the city, ‘face-to-face’ and hearing this news then sent that question within – what other things will I have to now put in place? (to accommodate my work role).
Where we are, it is a long weekend to celebrate our fallen heroes in battle, and I know many were gearing up for long-awaited trips out of the city to breathe for a few days but now it will be ‘breathing’ the inside of their local homes and backyards! Plus, celebrations for our fallen heroes will need to take on a totally different look! (possibly the same as in 2020).
How is it that we get so ‘complacent’ with our every day and then feel that a sudden ‘slap’ to our circumstances creates this crumbling sensation within? People rushing around like ants to claim what they feel are needs… Why do we emotionally freak out over being restricted instead of embracing the ‘tide’ (rise and fall) that should happen naturally within us?
My day yesterday did not go as planned, not only because of COVID restrictions but when trying to reach home I was sent on a detour by a police blockade and then sitting at an intersection with road works that did not allow me thru until what seemed like 100 light changes and then later to discuss a personal situation that turned very nasty!
After all, that, what actually stood out a mile to me was my devotion scriptures over the past few days – declaring what I really needed to know for these current events!
19/4/21 – Deut 31:8 ‘the Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged'.
20/4/21 – Ps 48:14 ‘he will be our guide…’
21/4/21 – Duet 33:27 ‘the eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms’.
22/4/21 – Josh 1:9 ‘be strong and courageous, do not be terrified do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’.
23/4/21 - Ps 50:15 ‘…call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you will honour me”.
I am ever amazed by my heavenly father who knows it all and is always a step ahead of me in everything concerning my life! I just need to be willing to tune in, open my ‘spiritual' eyes and listen to Him talking to me so that I understand better – that what is ahead of me is taken care of, so long as I have Him at the centre of it all!
Today has been wonderfully slow and if I can learn from today and merge the slow with all the rest then I know God will be magnified thru it all!
Praying today that where you are, your circumstances are not too restrictive and that you are able to put Jesus Christ at the centre of it all!